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* Copyright 2013 /static/js/vtt.js Contributors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, eithe sex with sex doll r express or implied.
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
var NodeVTT = require("node-vtt"),
deepEqual = require("underscore").isEqual,
difflet = require("difflet")({ indent: 2, deepEqual: deepEqual }),
fs = require("fs"),
path = require("path"),
assert = Object.create(require("assert")),
async = require("async");
// Re-root paths to tests/* since we're in tests/util/*
function fixTestPath(filename) {
return path.join(__dirname, "..", "tests", filename);
function evalTest(vtt, json, testType, onDone) {
try {
vtt = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(vtt));
} catch(e) {
return onDone(e);
if (!deepEqual(vtt, json)) {
return onDone(new Error("Failed JSON diff while " + testType + ".\n" +, json)));
function TestRunner() {
Object.defineProperty(this, "ready", {
get: function() { return this.nodeVTT; }
// Set up an instance of NodeVTT that we can use to run our tests.
TestRunner.prototype.init = function(onInit) {
this.nodeVTT = new NodeVTT();
this.nodeVTT.init({ uri: path.resolve(__dirname, "../utils/basic.html") }, onInit);
// Shutdown the NodeVTT instance that we've been using.
TestRunner.prototype.shutdown = function() {
// Assert that the TestRunner is ready to run tests.
TestRunner.prototype.assertReady = function() {
if (!this.ready) {
"TestRunner configured incorrectly. " +
"You must call TestRunner.init() before calling anything else.");
}; = function(error, onDone) {
this.nodeVTT.setupParser("utf8", function() {
if (error) {
return onDone(error);
} else {
assert.ok(true, "Passed basic string and utf8 parsing.");
// Compare JSON to live parsed utf8 and string data that has been passed a find love dolls s a whole to the parser.
TestRunner.prototype.jsonEqual = function(vttFile, jsonFile, message, onTestFinish) {
if (typeof message === "function") {
onTestFinish = message;
message = null;
message = message || "Compare parsed output of " + vttFile + " to " + jsonFile + ".";
jsonFile = fixTestPath(jsonFile);
vttFile = fixTestPath(vttFile);
var self = this,
json = require(jsonFile);
utf8Parse: function(onDone) {
self.nodeVTT.parseFile(vttFile, onDone);
firstTest: function(onDone) {
evalTest(self.nodeVTT.vtt, json, "parsing utf8 without streaming",
setupParser: function(onDone) {
self.nodeVTT.setupParser("string", onDone);
stringParse: function(onDone) {
var vtt = fs.readFileSync(vttFile, { encoding: "utf8" });
// Strip the BOM character if there is one.
vtt.charCodeAt(0) === 65279 && (vtt = vtt.substr(1));
self.nodeVTT.parse(vtt, onDone);
flush: function(onDone) {
secondTest: function(onDone) {
evalTest(self.nodeVTT.vtt, json, "parsing string without streaming",
}, function onDone(error) {, onTestFinish);
// Compare JSON to live parsed data that has been streamed to the parser.
TestRunner.prototype.jsonEqualStreaming = function(vttFile, jsonFile, message, onTestFinish) {
if (typeof message === "function") {
onTestFinish = message;
message = null;
message = message || "Compare parsed output of " + vttFile + " to " + jsonFile + " with streaming.";
jsonFile = fixTestPath(jsonFile);
vttFile = fixTestPath(vttFile);
var self = this,
json = require(jsonFile),
vtt = fs.readFileSync(vttFile),
size = vtt.length;
function() {
return --size >= 3;
function(onWhilst) {
parseFirst: function(onSeries) {
self.nodeVTT.parse(vtt.slice(0, size), onSeries);
parseSecond: function(onSeries) {
self.nodeVTT.parse(vtt.slice(size), onSeries);
flush: function(onSeries) {
vtt: function(onSeries) {
onSeries(null, self.nodeVTT.vtt);
clear: function(onSeries) {
}, function(error, results) {
evalTest(results.vtt, json,
"parsing utf8 with streaming; chunk number: " + size, onWhilst);
function(error) {, onTestFinish);
// Compare JSON to live parsed output for streaming VTT data and parsing whole
// VTT data.
TestRunner.prototype.jsonEqualParsing = function(vttFile, jsonFile, message, onTestFinish) {
var self = this;
if (typeof message === "function") {
onTestFinish = message;
message = null;
first: function(onContinue) {
self.jsonEqual(vttFile, jsonFile, message, onContinue);
second: function(onContinue) {
self.jsonEqualStreaming(vttFile, jsonFile, message, onContinue);
}, onTestFinish);
const LINE_HEIGHT = 8;
const EDGES = {
"": {
line: "height",
topEdge: "top",
bottomEdge: "bottom",
max: 150
"rl": {
line: "width",
topEdge: "right",
bottomEdge: "left",
max: 300
"lr": {
line: "width",
topEdge: "left",
bottomEdge: "right",
max: 300
// This function attempts to 'balance' the computed values of the processing
// model CSS styles. On each platform and browser we will get different computed
// heights/widths, etc. Therefore, we can't use straigh best free sex emulator t comparison of JSON.
function balanceComputedValues(cues, vtt, json) {
function getEdges(cue) {
var edges = EDGES[cue.vertical];
// If the cue has, or will have in the case of 'auto', a negative value
// then the reference edges are reversed. Line counts start fom the bottom
// of the writing direction, not the top.
var top = edges.topEdge,
bot = edges.bottomEdge;
if (cue.line < 0 || cue.line === "auto") {
var temp = top;
top = bot;
bot = temp;
return {
line: edges.line,
max: edges.max,
topEdge: top,
bottomEdge: bot
function pxToNum(num) {
return parseFloat(num.replace("px", ""));
try {
// Assumes that the 'json' object is a JSONified array and loops through
// each index, in this case key, and attempts to balance the comptued values
// of it in relation to the expected values in the corresponding JSON test
// file. It does this by calculating the real full sex computed difference in line heights
// of the expected value and the actual computed value and offsetting the
// actual value by a multiple of that amount depending o sex family simulator n if the cue has been
// set to snap to lines, or a percentage.
Object.keys(json).forEach(function(index) {
var i = index | 0,
cue = cues[i],
js = json[i].style,
vs = vtt[i].style,
// If the cue has been set to snap to lines then we anatomically correct sex doll can figure out the
// difference between the computed and expected line heig lumi dolls ht, determine how
// many 'steps' the cue has moved in any direction on the video ( family sexsimulator one step
// is the amount of one line height), and offset the actual computed values
// by that amount. This works because if the calculated position has the
// same step ratios as the expected position then it will be offset by t buy realistic sex doll he
// correct amount.
if (cue.snapToLines) {
var edges = getEdges(cue);
// If the line heights are the same then we don't need to balance them.
if (js[edges.line] !== vs[edges.line]) {
var lineCount = pxToNum(js[edges.line]) / LINE_HEIGHT,
computeDiff = (pxToNum(vs[edges.line]) - pxToNum(js[edges.line])) / lineCount,
vsTop = pxToNum(vs[edges.topEdge]),
vsBottom = pxToNum(vs[edges.bottomEdge]);
offset = computeDiff * (pxToNum(js[edges.topEdge]) / LINE_HEIGHT);
// Balance line height; should be the same.
vs[edges.line] = js[edges.line];
// Balance top and bottom edges by the offset amount.
if (vsTop !== 0 && vsTop !== edges.max) {
vs[edges.topEdge] = (vsTop - offset) + "px";
if (vsBottom !== 0 && vsBottom !== edges.max) {
var boxOffset = edges.max - Math.abs(pxToNum(js[edges.bottomEdge]));
if ((vsTop < 0 || vsBottom < pxToNum(js[edges.bottomEdge])) &&
boxOffset <= 0) {
offset *= -1;
if (boxOffset <= 0 || vsTop >= 0) {
boxOffset = computeDiff * lineCount;
} else {
boxOffset = ((boxOffset / LINE_HEIGHT) - 1) * computeDiff;
vs[edges.bottomEdge] = (vsBottom - offset + boxOffset) + "px";
// If the cue has not had its snap to lines flag set, meaning it is being
// positioned by a percentage, than we can simply move the percentage by
// the difference of the computed values.
} else {
var edge = EDGES[cue.vertical];
offset = pxToNum(vs[edge.line]) - pxToNum(js[edge.line]);
vs[edge.bottomEdge] = (pxToNum(vs[edge.bottomEdge]) + offset) + "px";
vs[edge.line] = js[edge.line];
} catch (e) {
fail("Failed on balancing computed values.", e);
// Compare JSON to live parsed data that has been run through the WebVTT
// processing model.
TestRunner.prototype.jsonEqualProcModel = function(vttFile, jsonFile, message, onTestFinish) {
if (typeof message === "function") {
onTestFinish = message;
message = null;
message = message || "Compare processed output of " + vttFile + " to " + jsonFile + ".";
jsonFile = fixTestPath(jsonFile);
vttFile = fixTestPath(vttFile);
var self = this,
json = require(jsonFile);
function(onContinue) {
self.nodeVTT.processFile(vttFile, function(error, processedData) {
return onContinue(error, processedData);
function(processedData, onContinue) {
balanceComputedValues(self.nodeVTT.cues, processedData, json);
onContinue(null, processedData);
function(processedData, onContinue) {
evalTest(processedData, json, "running the processing model",
], function(error) {, onTestFinish);
// Compare JSON to live parsed data that has been run through the processing model hentai doll
// and parsed data without streaming.
TestRunner.prototype.jsonEqualAllNoStream = function(vttFile, jsonFile, message, onTestFinish) {
var self = this;
if (typeof message === "function") {
onTestFinish = message;
message = null;
first: function(onContinue) {
self.jsonEqual(vttFile, jsonFile, message, onContinue);
second: function(onContinue) {
jsonFile = vttFile.replace(/\.vtt$/, "-proc.json");
self.jsonEqualProcModel(vttFile, jsonFile, message, onContinue);
}, onTestFinish);
// Compare JSON to live parsed output for streaming, parsing whole, and processing
// VTT data.
TestRunner.prototype.jsonEqualAll = function(vttFile, jsonFile, message, onTestFinish) {
var self = this;
if (typeof message === "function") {
onTestFinish = message;
message = null;
first: function(onContinue) {
self.jsonEqualParsing(vttFile, jsonFile, message, onContinue);
second: function(onContinue) {
jsonFile = vttFile.replace(/\.vtt$/, "-proc.json");
self.jsonEqualProcModel(vttFile, jsonFile, message, onContinue);
}, onTestFinish);
module.exports = TestRunner;